Hi friends, you can teach the unscheduled airport city money cheat.
First of all, let's get to know our game one.
Airport city is a game of the aircraft, as the name suggests. We try to
grow by removing the planes on the field Kuracağımız. We have more time
on the plane and on the ground. Grows more prestige waiting for us.
Below, you'll find we're giving money to use to boxes. There are 30 in
each currency. You can collect the money by taking them.
This money boxes, there are certain things you need to do to qualify. First of all, close the game game. Then press one of the following boxes, and then see if you press play received money and enter the game. 2. in order to completely shut down and a new game click on the box again to get. Go that way.
The coins are only temporary and will be updating every 5 hours. A good source of funds for early
Introduction date: 04.12.2014 15: 00